‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ - a healthy mind in a healthy body - that is my philosophy in my work. And a new addition, as I have also been a dog physiotherapist since the beginning of the year. 


I believe that one cannot work without the other, so I am taking my consultations to the next level and now also offer physiotherapy treatments for dogs in addition to behaviour consultations (behaviour training). 


Body and mind are inseparable when it comes to behavioural problems, even if it's just that your dog has been pulling and lunging on the lead for a long time, jumping a lot or being led in dog sports. All of this also has an effect on the dog, both mentally and physically. 


Does your dog learn very poorly? Was he always hyper from the start? Has he never calmed down? Is your dog very nervous, reactive or even aggressive? This may not only be due to (incorrect) training, but may also have a physical (orthopaedic) cause. So it makes absolute sense to treat both - body and mind. 


Of course, the human, the dog owner, plays a major role in changing behavioural problems in dogs, but nevertheless: ‘If the dog is doing well, the owner is doing well.’ A good premise. So I can help both parties on their way to a harmonious life together. 


Book your appointment now!